Bone Marrow Transplant Recovery Precautions

Bone marrow is a lifesaving procedure. It can also cause you to experience grief-like, strong feelings. Balancing the emotions from a stem cell transplant with physical needs during the period of recovery can be challenging. You need to pay attention to hygiene and avoid rush places, sick people, and activities that could put you at risk of infection.

Discover the precautions you should take during the bone marrow transplant recovery. It may help you to cope better after the treatment:

Recovery after a bone marrow transplant

Your doctors will keep an eye out for any indicators within the first 30 days following a stem cell transplant. To know that the transfused cells have moved to the bone marrow and started to produce fresh, healthy cells.

When your doctors examine white blood cells and platelets in your blood, they may use the term “bone marrow transplant engraft” levels. Engraftment can occasionally take place more than 30 days after transplant. The treatment providers will update you on the status of the procedure.

Until engraftment is well advanced, you might need to remain in the hospital. (If you are not hospitalized throughout the engraftment period. You must continue to live close to the hospital to accommodate the required regular examinations.) After that, you still have a protracted recuperation time to go through after leaving the hospital.

After your surgery, you can have weakness and be tired for six months to a year. Each person’s recovery from a bone marrow transplant takes a different amount of time. For help and direction throughout this time, stay in touch with the health care team.

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Stay away from getting infected.

Until the blood stem cells engraft, you will always be at the risk of developing an infection. This is because the preparative will destroy your white blood cells, which are the backbone of the immune system. If you had reduced the intensity of the transplant, the risk of developing a more serious infection would be less.

When you are in the transplant centre, they will make precautions that will reduce the chance of infections, these includes:

  • Careful hand washing by hospital staff and visitors before touching you.
  • Antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections.
  • Prohibiting dried plants and live plants in your room.
  • Eliminating vegetables and fresh fruits from your diet.
  • Special air filter to remove infectious agents.

Pay close attention to hygiene

To aid in infection prevention is essential. As long as you don’t immerse your central venous catheter in water, you are free to take a normal shower or bath. The primary method of preventing bacteria on the skin is daily cleaning with soap and water. Taking care of your mouth on a daily basis is essential to reducing infection and gum bleeding.

To take care of your teeth and gums, you can use a sponge toothpaste or a soft, nylon-bristled toothbrush. Use fluoride toothpaste to properly brush your teeth and gums after each meal. As advised by your healthcare practitioner, use a rinse or mouthwash.

Manage the emotions of a bone marrow transplant

You can feel elated about the prospects of receiving a bone marrow transplant that will extend your life while at the same time feeling depressed about your situation. This emotional rollercoaster is entirely normal to the people who go through the bone marrow transplant procedure.

During the treatment, you may be isolated both inside and outside the hospital. While you can understand this is mainly to reduce the chance of getting an infection, you might feel sad or depressed about it. After the transplant, it is possible that you may find it difficult to cope with the lifestyle changes that ensure your health.

All these feelings are normal, and if you anticipate them, you can seek out support in advance of the transplant and be free from depression.

Prevent direct contact and transmitted respiratory infections

Avoid gathering, raking, mulching, farming, mowing, or direct contact with plants and soil. Direct contact with the plants and soil increases the exposure to pathogens, including cryptococcus and aspergillus. These pathogens can create serious infections. If you need to do any of the activities, then wear gloves and masks.

Avoid having anything in your yard that is used to collect water, such as empty buckets or bird baths. Standing water attracts a large number of mosquitos which can transmit viral infections like the Nile virus.

This doesn’t mean you should totally avoid the outdoors. Biking, walking, and many other outdoor activities are not only enjoyable but can also promote good health.

Try to stay away from pets

It is not necessary to always be part of your pets. It is very important to minimize direct contact with animals, especially those who are ill. Delegate the care of your pets to friends or other family members. Avoid contacting any reptiles, ducks, and chicks to prevent salmonella.

If you have a cat, then do not keep it with the litter box in the dining rooms, kitchens, and other areas where food is prepared or in the eating place. If you have dogs, do not handle them and clean them. If possible, avoid fishing and cleaning the fish.

When should you call the doctor?

Watch for any early signs of infections. It is important to notify the doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (Even if you feel well).
  • Cough green or yellow sputum or a dry, persistent cough.
  • Chills or sweats, even if your normal temperature.
  • Scratchy throat, sinus drainage, headaches, or tenderness along upper cheekbones.
  • Feeling trouble while urinating.
  • Redness, tenderness, swelling, or drainage at the central venous catheter.
  • Skin rash.
  • Diarrhea, without or with cramping.
  • Vaginal discomfort, unusual discharge, or itching.
  • Possible exposure to strep throat, chicken pox, herpes, or mononucleosis.

Bottom Line

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that requires preparation. This involves determining the best type of transplant, bone marrow transplant cost, finding a donor and etc. The time taken for the recovery process varies for different persons, but if you follow the above-given tips, it can help you in speedy recovery.

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