Prabhi Sodhi Regards Speech Therapy To Help Patients with Dementia

Prabhi Sodhi is a gentle dementia care specialist in the United Kingdom. His real name is Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi and is also known as Praby Sodhi, Prabhy Sodhi and Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare.

With the development of dementia, multiple health issues can be seen. These may also include speech problems that can make it difficult for a patient to express or convey his/her requirements. Targeting these issues, speech therapy has been provided. This is a useful service with the goal of enhancing cognition processes. Prabhi Sodhi regards this therapy to be vital for both patients and their family members. It is powerful enough to provide both with assistance to deal with every situation wherein language issues make it hard to connect with one another. According to this dementia expert, choosing this therapy can be more meaningful when its effectiveness and role are found.

What does Speech Therapy Mean?

Speech therapy can be understood as an important service. It aims to improve the language of a person. This language can be verbal as well as non-verbal, says Praby Sodhi. The therapy includes measures for improving both. The first component of this service is focused on the sound of words. The other component takes into account the use of language through different forms of communication.

Speech Problems in People with Dementia

According to Prabhi Sodhi, while undergoing different stages of dementia, speech problems may commonly develop. Patients with this condition may not be able to immediately comprehend what certain objects are called. Even when the objects are such that they are often seen or used, they may fail to immediately identify their names.

At times, not only objects but the names of people they know may not be recalled by dementia patients, adds Prabhy Sodhi. Based on the observation of the specialist, more complexities can arise when they are unable to grasp the meanings of words commonly used to communicate. Sometimes, improper articulation may also be observed.

Significance of Speech Therapy in Dementia

Looking at the problems related to speech and language, it can be said that the cognition processes during dementia may not rightly take place. Hence, these problems can occur. In this scenario, speech therapy can assume great significance. It tends to focus on these processes. This is done through various activities that are a part of the therapy, informs Prabhi Sodhi.

It must be noted that speech therapy is not all about performing certain activities at a fixed time. Rather, this service will create certain changes in the environment around a patient with dementia. This environment will incorporate activities that foster better cognition.

Benefits of Speech Therapy for Patients and Caregivers

Interestingly, speech therapy can aid two types of people at a time. While it has the power to make the lives of dementia patients better, it can also lend help to caregivers in terms of proper management. Thus, it can involve benefits that can make it easier to deal with the overall situation.

For Patients:

  • The language of patients can be made better.
  • The process of how they communicate with the people they know will become enhanced.
  • When they are talked to, the patients will be able to process the information.
  • Improvement in memory can also be expected, as per Prabhi Sodhi.
  • Varying from one person to another, a customized approach can be used to target the problematic areas.

For Caregivers:

  • Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi further says that speech therapy can constantly assess the language of a patient. This assessment can keep the caregiver informed.
  • This dementia specialist also shares that support to the family members of a patient can be provided. This will help in handling the person with more effect and ease.
  • Advice regarding how to deal with a patient undergoing dementia will be disseminated. When that person is at a later or more severe stage, this advice can ensure that speech problems are controlled.

As a Result

While medical treatment is suggested for dementia patients, therapies should also be considered. Speaking of speech therapy, in particular, it can decrease the intensity of severe language problems. Be it memory loss or difficulty in communicating, this therapy can come with goals that target both. With the effectiveness of this service, patients may tend to be less anxious. Their struggles on a day-to-day basis, with respect to communication, can be greatly reduced.