Things You Should Know About Use of Hypothesis in Qualitative Study

Students often face issues while using hypothesis in qualitative study. In a qualitative study, a hypothesis is usually used as a clear statement regarding the issue which is to be discussed in the research. For qualitative research, hypothesis is used in different way which can lead to hypothesis-generating outcomes. Because of this, students often face difficulty using hypothesis in qualitative research. This article will tell you the things you should know about the use of hypothesis in qualitative study.

What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is the starting point for looking at something or the initial idea or concepts for an idea. A hypothesis is the starting point for a project or the initial idea or concepts for a project. For example, if you’re trying to develop an idea for a brand, that could be a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a concept you will test to find out what works and what doesn’t. Your hypothesis can help you test out your ideas and help you get better ideas in the future.

You need to be able to think about a problem from several different angles. The first thing you want to do is to identify the problem. The second thing you want to do is figure out the best way to solve the problem. The third thing you want to do is to figure out what are the risks involved in working on the problem. The fourth thing you want to do is to figure out what are the benefits involved in working on the problem. The fifth thing you want to do is to figure. You can make hypotheses about things like:

  • Why do you think people are buying products,
  • Why something has worked in the past,
  • Why something has failed, and
  • Why do you think they’ll work if they’re done differently?

There are some people who argue that it is not best to write a hypothesis in a qualitative study. It is because hypothesis can lead the to a very biased approach in a research. Hypothesis is best to use when the researcher will get numerical data to prove the hypothesis. However, in the section, we will show how you can use hypothesis in qualitative study in the right way.

How to use hypothesis in qualitative study:

Ask the right question:

To generate a hypothesis in qualitative study, you need to ask the right questions. Hypothesis writing starts with proper research question that you need to answer in your study. It is important that you write a researchable, specific and focused question within the constraints of the project. For example, you can use research questions like does time management helps to get better results in exams? You can also get dissertation proposal help to choose the right questions.

Step 2: Do preliminary research

To answer the research question, in the beginning, you need to already know about the topic first. It is important that you look into previous studies and theories. This can help you get useful assumptions related to your research. It is important that you develop a conceptual framework at the initial stage to check which variables you can study and the relationships between them.

Steps 3: make your hypothesis:

Now, you need to formalize your hypothesis. You must have some idea about what you want to find to generate a hypothesis in qualitative study. It is important that you write your hypothesis to you research question in a concise and clear sentence. For example you can say time management can help getting better results.

Step 4: Refine your hypothesis:

Hypothesis in qualitative study cannot be generated in just one attempt. You need to keep refine it after making it once. It is important that you ensure that your hypothesis is specific and researchable. There are many ways in which you can refine a hypothesis, but it is important that you should have a clear definition of all the terms you used in your hypothesis statement. A good hypothesis consists of:

  • The related variables
  • Predicted outcomes of the analysis or experiment
  • The specific group which you want to study

Step 5: phrase your hypothesis:

In order to identify the variables for hypothesis in qualitative study, you could simply write the prediction by using if or then. In the first part of the sentence, you should write the independent variable, while in the second part you should include the dependent variable. You can write like, if a student is good at time management, he will get better results. in qualitative research, you commonly phrase the hypothesis in terms of effects or correlations. You will directly say the predicted relationship between the variables. In this way, you write that student with time management skills has a positive impact on their scores in their exams. In a case where you are comparing two groups, you can write the difference expected between the two groups. Students who are better at time management have better exam scores than the students who do not have proper time management skills.

Step 6: write a null hypothesis:

In the last step of writing a hypothesis in qualitative study, you should write null hypothesis. If there is something statistical testing in your research, the n you should consider writing a null hypothesis. The null hypothesis tells that there is no relationship between the dependent and independent variables in your study. You will write a null hypothesis by using the sign H0, while you use H1 or Ha for the alternative hypothesis.

H0: time management skill has no effect on the results of the final exams of the students.
H1: time management skill has a positive effect on the results of the final exams of the students.


The above article has shown all the things that you should focus on while writing a hypothesis in qualitative study. It is important to know that writing a hypothesis for qualitative research can be very tricky. However, with the right method, you can write a perfect hypothesis without any difficulty.