How to Know When it’s Time To Replace Your Walking Boots

If you’re an avid hiker, chances are you’ve got a trusty pair of comfortable hiking boots that you like to wear on those long hikes. You know those trusty boots we’re talking about – the ones you can practically walk in all day without needing to take them off for any reason. If you love going on hikes but don’t love having sore and uncomfortable feet afterward, then it might be time to invest in a new pair of hiking boots. It can be tricky knowing when to replace your outdoor boots, but here we will look at a few tell-tale signs that give away when it is time to get a new pair. You can simply shop at your preferred outdoor apparel shop and find your best fit. 

Worn Out Sole Tread Pattern

Being an outdoor lover, you’ll know that your walking boots take some serious abuse and are subjected to rough terrain regularly. If your sole tread pattern has become worn down, this is a good indicator that your boots need replacing. This is because the sole tread pattern on your boots is designed to provide traction and grip in all weather conditions. The soles of your boots become worn down as you walk along different terrains, such as sand, gravel, and rocky paths. When your boots have worn-down tread patterns, it becomes increasingly difficult to walk on various terrains, and you may also experience an increased risk of slipping or falling.

Worn Down Heel

The heel of your boot is a high-wear area that needs to be replaced more frequently than the rest of the boot. If your heel wearing down, this is a good indication that your outdoor boots might need to be replaced. When your heel is worn down, it can significantly affect your walking style and lead to injury and discomfort. A worn-down heel can also cause uneven wear to other parts of your boot, which may result in your soles becoming worn down prematurely.

The Insoles Have Died

If your insoles have become worn out or flattened over time, this is a good indication that your hiking boots may need to be replaced. Insoles are designed to provide support and cushioning to the foot; if they have become worn out, they will no longer be able to do this effectively. If this happens, the support they provide to your feet will be significantly reduced, which may result in you experiencing foot pain and discomfort after each hike.

You’re Experiencing Blisters and Irritation

If your outdoor boots have become worn out, they may be more susceptible to rubbing against your feet and causing irritation and blisters. It may also mean that the boot’s material has become more susceptible to fraying and may start to irritate your feet. If your boots are causing irritation or blisters, this is a sign that the boots are worn out and need replacing. Even if the boots aren’t causing any immediate discomfort, worn-out boots will eventually lead to permanent foot damage if they aren’t replaced.

Wrinkles on the Boots

Have your boots developed wrinkles and sags? It is high time you get them replaced. If your boots are wrinkling up at the toes, this is a good indication that the boots are worn out and your feet are straining to fit in. If the wrinkles are around the heels of your foot, then your boots are too big and won’t serve the intended purpose.

The Boots are Leaking

If you find that your boots are leaking water or are wet inside, this is a sign that they are worn out. When your boots become worn out, the soles of the boot can become less effective at keeping water out. Your boots are also more likely to be less durable and are more likely to tear or rip when they leak. You need to have them replaced as soon as possible.

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Walking boots take a lot of abuse and can get worn out faster than you might expect. If you’re a hiker and your boots show any of the signs listed above, they need a replacement. Getting them replaced reduces the instances of injuries and makes your outdoor activities worthwhile.